Monday, January 22, 2018

February 12 meeting - Capt. Steve Stubbe

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, February 12, 2018
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

For our February meeting, we have a real treat!  Our guest speaker will be Capt. Steve "Scooby" Stubbe of Mudfish Adventures.  Steve is a fishing guide on Toledo Bend who specializes in fly fishing the backwaters for big bass.  He's even developed his own line of custom fly rods for targeting big largemouths in heavy cover.  Several folks who've cast them say the Mudfish rods are one of the lightest, most accurate big game rods they've ever cast!!

Steve's presentation will be "Fly Fishing the Beautiful Backcountry of Toledo Bend".

Please make every effort to attend. Bring a friend and a covered dish.

Also, dues are due.   $25/family  $20 single. 

See you there!