Tuesday, October 9, 2018

No club meetings until further notice

The membership has been informed that all club meetings have been suspended until further notice.  Also, the 2019 Natchitoches Fishing Expo set for January has been cancelled.  An alternative event is under consideration.  More details will be forthcoming.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

September 10th meeting

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, September 10, 2018
6:00pm - casting outside
6:30pm - meeting
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

Welcome back, Casters!  As is our tradition of taking summer off, we'll be sharing some of our members great summer fishing stories.  We'll also begin planning for the 2019 Natchitoches Fishing Expo in January.

Prior to the meeting, we'll have casting on the lawn.  Hopefully we have an early taste of cooler Fall weather to enjoy!

We plan to have food and refreshments. Pot luck offerings are welcome.  Guests are welcome!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Have a fun and safe summer!

As is our tradition, the Cane Country Fly Casters will not hold regular monthly meetings during certain summer months.  This year, we'll have NO meetings in June, July and August.  Our next regular meeting will be in September where we will begin our planning for the 2019 Natchitoches Fishing Expo.

Some of our neighboring clubs have summer events.  We encourage our members to attend and join the fun and learning.

June 9 - Kisatchie Fly Fishers Summer Workshop - "Introduction to Tying Deer Hair" (link)

July 13-14Contraband Fly Fishing Expo in Lake Charles featuring Pat Cohen  (link)

July 28   - North Louisiana Fly Fishers Masters Series featuring Kelly Galloup  (link)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Picnic & meeting this Saturday, NEW LOCATION!

A reminder that this Saturday we'll have our annual Spring Fishing Day & Picnic on the Cane River.  We'll start grilling burgers and dogs around 11am.

NEW LOCATION:  Instead of meeting at Shell Beach, we'll be holding the picnic on the riverfront downtown near the Roque House.  Burley will have the floating dock available to launch our kayaks.  Or you can fish from the bank. 

Remember to email Sunny to RSVP for headcount!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Spring Fishing Day & Picnic - Sat, May 19th

Club outing on Cane River - Shell Beach
Saturday, May 19, 2018

** Please note: there will be NO meeting in May. Instead we'll have a very short business meeting at the picnic.  Hope to see you there! **

Come join us to fish the Cane River. Launch your boat, kayak or canoe downtown, Shell Beach or at the dam. Or fish from the bank downtown or at Shell Beach.

At noon, we'll have grilled hamburgers and hot dogs at the Shell Beach park. Bring your own chairs and drinks. And bring your fishing stories from the morning.

RSVP Sunny if you plan to attend.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

April 9th meeting - Tom Bullock

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, April 9, 2018
6:00pm - casting outside
6:30pm - meeting
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

For our April meeting, we welcome Tom Bullock as our guest speaker.  A member of the North Louisiana Fly Fishers, Tom has fly fished his entire life. He also serves on the board of directors of the FFI Gulf Coast Council and the Friends of the Red River National Wildlife Refuge.

Tom will talk on "Fly Fishing the White and Norfork Rivers Below the Dams". These north Arkansas tailwaters offer a world-class fishery for rainbow, brown and cutthroat trout. But they can be finicky at times. Tom will tell us his tricks to dependable, and often quality results. 

Please make every effort to attend. Bring a friend and a covered dish.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Notes from March meeting

Larry Offner gave us a presentation on places in south Louisiana to bank fish from.  In addition to New Orleans area canals and ponds for Rios, two closer spots of interest to our members were Dubisson Lake off I-49 near Ville Platte and Oil Park Pond in Jennings.  As always, Larry mixed in a few of his many entertaining, and often funny, fishing stories.

For April, our guest speaker will be Tom Bullock, who will present on fly fishing the White and Norfork Rivers in Arkansas.

Our annual club outing and picnic on the Cane River will be on Saturday, May 12th. Details will be posted here shortly.

Our next biennial fly fishing and light tackle festival will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2019 at the Westside Baptist Family Life Center in Natchitoches.  The website page is already up.  The Facebook page will soon go up as well.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

March 12 meeting - Larry Offner

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, March 12, 2018
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

For our March meeting, we welcome back Larry Offner. Larry lives in  Denham Springs, is former owner of Green Trout Fly Shop, and is a warmwater fishing fanatic. His presentations are always informative and entertaining!  For our meeting, he'll be giving a new presentation, "Day Trips".

Please make every effort to attend. Bring a friend and a covered dish.

Also, if you haven't paid 2018 dues, don't delay! It's $25/family  $20 single.

Monday, January 22, 2018

February 12 meeting - Capt. Steve Stubbe

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, February 12, 2018
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

For our February meeting, we have a real treat!  Our guest speaker will be Capt. Steve "Scooby" Stubbe of Mudfish Adventures.  Steve is a fishing guide on Toledo Bend who specializes in fly fishing the backwaters for big bass.  He's even developed his own line of custom fly rods for targeting big largemouths in heavy cover.  Several folks who've cast them say the Mudfish rods are one of the lightest, most accurate big game rods they've ever cast!!

Steve's presentation will be "Fly Fishing the Beautiful Backcountry of Toledo Bend".

Please make every effort to attend. Bring a friend and a covered dish.

Also, dues are due.   $25/family  $20 single. 

See you there!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 8th meeting

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, January 8, 2018
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

For our first meeting of the new year, we'll tie a couple flies.  Bring your tying tools.  If none, the club has a few for use during these sessions. Materials are provided.

We'll also discuss our upcoming Fest.

Bring a dish if you wish.  See ya'll then.