Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, October 9, 2017
Casting 6:00pm, Meeting 6:30pm
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches
Monday, October 9, 2017
Casting 6:00pm, Meeting 6:30pm
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches
Once again, Glen Cormier attended the ICAST / International Fly Tackle Dealer trade
show back in July and has lots of new products to report on.
He'll give us a slide presentation on "What's New for 2018" covering
fly fishing, kayak fishing and accessories. Many of these new products are now available or will be available in stores shortly. He'll also give us a "State
of the Sport" summary on the latest trends in fly
As always, our meetings are open to the public. Bring a friend!