Caddo Conclave 2015
Located in Caddo State Park on beautiful Caddo Lake near Karnack Texas
Friday-Saturday, April 10-11, 2015
Registration $10 per person, maximum $20 per family
Co-hosted by the North Louisiana Fly Fishers and East Texas Fly Fishers
Co-hosted by the North Louisiana Fly Fishers and East Texas Fly Fishers
Friday April 10th: Doors open at 5:00pm. There will be a Pot Luck Supper! Bring a dish that is enough for you and one other family.
Saturday April 11th: Breakfast provided by the North Louisiana Fly Fishers at 8:00 a.m.
There will be fly tying and seminars throughout the day. Lunch provided by the East Texas Fly Fishers.
For more info, contact Mike Hawkins 903-736-1887 or Scott Irwin 318-742-2190.