Monday, January 23, 2017

February 13 meeting - Mop Fly

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, February 13, 2017
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

This month Glen Cormier will lead us in tying the "Mop Fly".  This simple pattern imitates a crane fly larvae, and is very effective.  Discussion of the Mop Fly and tying instructions can be found here:

Bring your vise and other tying tools.  If none, the club has a few sets for use during these sessions. Materials will be provided.

As usual, we will have food.  Bring anything you wish but let us know so we don't have too much!

Bring a guest or friend.  See you then!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Fishing the Little Mo

We had several members that went fishing this past holidays  to the Little Missouri River near Murfreesboro, Arkansas.  Lots of trout were caught, including some brown trout.

Also, mark your calendar!  The 15th-ever Little Mo Fly Fishing Fest takes place Saturday, February 18 at the Community Center in Murfreesboro.  There's also the "Can You Take It?" casting clinic on Sunday morning. 

For more info on the Little Missouri River, or details about the 2017 Fest, go to Jeff Guerins website.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 9th meeting

Cane Country Fly Casters monthly meeting
Monday, January 9, 2017
Westside Baptist Family Life Center, Hwy 1 bypass, Natchitoches

Please note the meeting will begin early at 6:00pm.

This month, Catch Cormier is giving a presentation on "How to Create a Blog".

This is great information for anyone who wants to share information to the public, promote a cause, product or service, or an opportunity to provide a place that people can share ideas with a common goal or project.  Bring your laptop if you wish to follow along, or just listen and take notes.

Food!  Bean soup and anything else anyone wants to bring!

See you then!