The first weekend of November means North Toledo Bend Rendezvous! This casual gathering of 100 or more fly tiers and other fly anglers from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and beyond, has been a tradition for over two decades. There are no programs or scheduled events. Folks just relax, tie flies, fish, tell stories, cook and eat. It's a laid back weekend, for sure!
The location, as always, is North Toledo Bend State Park in Zwolle, LA. The group facility used has a meeting hall with kitchen, group showers and 5 bunkhouses. The meeting hall is the site of most activity. Good fishing is just yards away, ideal for paddlecraft or even bank fishing.
For 2012, the date is Friday afternoon, November 2nd thru Sunday morning, November 4th. The gathering begins before 3pm on Friday when the park staff unlocks the facility. Families and individuals check in at the main office and can ask for their FREE Parking pass for the "Fly Fishing Group". Once at the facility, the first order of business is finding the necessary bunks in one of our 5 bunkhouses. The single's fee is $40 for the weekend or $20 for the day or night. The family fee is $50 for the weekend or $25 for a day or night. For those who do not stay in the bunkhouses, please make a donation so we can pay our fees. No reservations are required, just show up.
For complete details, go to the Rendezvous website.